Sol Zenón Cárdenas-Schmidt
Art Direction
I’ve got the pleasure,
that no matter where I am,
I can close my eyes and get away alive.

Time to time, my eyes turn inside,
gaze into myself so much,
that big me is wrong desire.
Burns my sense of truth and blurs my mind.

When the tower falls apart,
I feel lost, too soon reflection, frozen inside.
Every morning I feel more alive,
maybe it’s because I die a bit more every night.

I don’t love you ‘cause I don’t believe in
god, satan, gone, freedom and hell.
The name you give,
It’s everything I forgive
when I go back and forth
to the place I call home.

The gladness I feel with the realization
of the things I won’t give a name,
a shape, a soul, a cell
to cage the freedom
we don’t seem to get.
And I’ll be thankful and I’ll thank you
for unrusting a part of me that I granted gone.
Whenever I’m damn to tell my views,
whenever I take the wrong decision
of losing myself in the sacred ancient
bloom of being a fool,
I drip and speak myself out.

Most times I feel lost
in the daze of my own truth,
but how the light reflects in your eyes
and knowing there is someone who
shares and gets what I realize
makes me feel its all about the paths
and contrasts we do find.

Most times it’s a senseless shout,
but this time there is a prize,
something where I can rely,
relax and stare back into my eyes.
While finding reason, answers and treasures,
that were meant for kings,
not for silly peasants
with dreams of intellectual elite.
El Murmuro de la Montaña,
Te acerca a tu propio funeral.
Tu mismo has de enterrar tu propia oscuridad,
a tu inseguridad y falsa espiritualidad.

En este bautismo,
el sentir del amor y el odiar,
parecen ajenos a este de lugar
de tanta calma e inmensidad.

No te atacara ni torturara,
pero si lo aclama,
Te dominara hasta despojarte
de tu dignidad y mentalidad.
El suspiro que baja
delante tu mirada por la pendiente,
Te recuerda sentir el frío
del cual habias logrado escapar.
Y a nuestro pesar,
esto nos recuerda que no hemos de ser
más que un simple mortal.

Las sensaciones, las pesadillas,
el sentir y el pesar,
Se conectan en este lugar
como en ningún otro podras experimentar.
Si se me permite soñar,
Dejenme que sea despertar,
cada día, en este bendito lugar.